Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Time for reflection with the ducks Posted by Picasa

Lilly taking Kevin for a walk Posted by Picasa

Austin in January Posted by Picasa

Another beautiful stroll through the park Posted by Picasa

But dogs do love Starbucks!!! Posted by Picasa

Happy 25 to Laura...please note the dessert courtesy of pastry chef Kevin Posted by Picasa

Hey Norsworthy's don't you know cats don't drink champagne??? Posted by Picasa

Evant spares no expense decorating downtown for Christmas Posted by Picasa

Christmas in the booming metropolis of Evant, TX Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 13, 2006

Happy New Year! Posted by Picasa

Never go in the deep end without a way out! Posted by Picasa

"Why do you do these things to me?" Posted by Picasa

Happy Family Christmas Posted by Picasa

Austin at Christmas Posted by Picasa

" This whole Christmas thing is overwhelming!" Posted by Picasa

So It's Been a While...

Just when you decided you were never going to check this site again we go and surprise you with a post. It's been a while, and we're not going to lie...you've missed a lot. Where to begin:

Well Kevin has started his new job in Austin (guess it's not so new anymore) and seems to be liking it and the people a lot. If I knew more, I would tell you but you are just going to have to ask him. About a month ago Lilly and I were able to move up here to Austin to the apartment that he found for all of us. I can't lie, initially I was less than impressed with the apartment but now that I have been here for a little while, it is growing on me. The thing that we like to tell everyone when they ask is that "it's in a great location". That is true, Lilly and I take a long walk through Zilker park every morning and visit with the turtles, ducks, and token homeless people.
I wouldn't say that we are exactly settled in yet...I am in the middle of a box island as we speak. I am still working with the same design firm from San Antonio, just from home now. At first that sounds like a fantastic set up, but the fact is that I am still working all day and have no time to unpack or socialize for that matter. Lilly doesn't even notice the difference as she just sleeps all day anyway.So after 3 weeks of this I have come to the conclusion that I am way to young to be working from home and I need to get out into the world!!!

Somewhere between the wedding, packing, and moving we celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas,New Years, and my birthday. We spent Thanksgiving in Floresville with K's family, and Christmas day in Granbury with L's family.A few days later,New Years was up in Dallas with friends Since Kevin works for the university now he gets several nice school vacations so he was able to go spend time with his granparents in Rosenburg. Finally, this past weekend we traveled to Houston to have Christmas with K's mom's family and this past Monday we were actually at home and able to celebrate my 25th birthday. It was fairly uneventful which we were hoping for after the great Holiday tour 2005!

We have resided in Austin for almost a month now but have yet to be here for a weekend! We are definately looking forward to just relaxing and exploring the city this weekend. I guess that is what has been going on in our lives lately...and if you are wondering the three previous paragraphs explain why we have yet to sent out our Thank you cards from the wedding. But please do not be concerned, we have not forgotten all of those who spoiled us, and the cards will be coming sometime before the 4th of July!!!

Enough procrastinating, back to work for me. Until next time...