Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Season of changes...

It looks like our patience (or attempt there of) has begun to pay off. We are finally making the move up 35 to Austin. Well actually Kevin has already been there a couple of weeks but Lilly and I will be making our appearance soon! My good friend Ken from A&M and Habitat has been letting Kevin sleep on a cot in his living room during the transition. Luckily for Kevin he signed a lease for an apartment up there this morning so he can start moving in soon. It is a bit scary that we are tied to two apartment leases right now, but things should be finalizing with our San Antonio one pretty soon...we just couldn't wait much longer or we would have had to move in a day!!! Needless to say we are very excited to finalize the move and get settled as a family again, and I of course am ready to decorate a new place. In the meantime I am enjoying cleaning things out while Kevin the pack-rat isn't here to stop me!

In other news, Thanksgiving was nice. We spent the actual day down in Floresville with Kevin's extended family...watched the parade, ate some good food, played a little soccer game, and called it a day. My sister and her family were in town for a soccer tournament that her husband was coaching, so we spent Friday evening with them and then she and I went shopping on Saturday. All in all it was an enjoyable time with both sides of the family...I'm just ready for a trip home soon. I hope that everyone is taking the time to feel the cool breezes and watch the colorful leaves's definately one of the prettiest times of the year. Hopefully next time we talk it will be from Austin!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Alright I've had enough, it's time to go home!" Posted by Picasa

Some foliage remains resilient Posted by Picasa

Not all of the leaves have fallen yet Posted by Picasa

Lilly soaking in the view Posted by Picasa

Now that's a big rock! Posted by Picasa

Yes she planned to coordinate her attire with the season. Posted by Picasa

Must you people take another break? Posted by Picasa

We survived the hike! (token family shot) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Lost Maples

Our weekend has started out quite nicely as we decided to take a family trip out to Lost Maples State Park. The Park is known for it's massive collection of maple trees (obviously), and the foliage color change is supposed to be beautiful this time of year. Of course with our luck the recent cold snap caused most of the colorful leaves to fall to the ground this past week! So as you will see in the photos, the scenery was quite beautiful despite most of the colors being at our feet.

Lilly hasn't had an adventurous day in quite a while so she definately absorbed it all today. Thankfully for us she is patient and allowed us to stop and take several break on our three hour hike. All in all it was a great, relaxing day with beautiful weather and even greater scenery.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

LA Galaxy 1, NE Revolution 0 Posted by Picasa

walking the dogs with the family Posted by Picasa

Noah say's 'hi' Posted by Picasa

Noah coached uncle Tim quite well this season. Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 14, 2005

Fun Fall Weekend

We finally had a nice, fun, relaxing weekend trip that didn't require wedding planning. Laura's nephew turned 4 earlier this month, so we figured it was time to bring him his present... and that called for a road trip. Little did we know that it was going to be such a fun soccer filled weekend.
Saturday we were able to spend a lot of quality family time with Laura's family at Noah's soccer game, shopping, eating, etc. We were very happy to report that we even had time to meet up with our friends Christian and Aaron for dinner. Sunday we had even more family time hanging out with Laura's siblings (who will remain nameless for the protection of their identities..although you know who you are) at the MLS cup championship game in Frisco. After meeting up with Laura's parents in Hillsboro to pick up Lilly, it was back to SA for our normal working lives.
All in all it was a nice little getaway from the stress of apartment mess, new job stress, potential moving, old job stress and everything else that the real world throws at us. Promise to update soon.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Now this is the life...

can you tell our family's favorite past-time? Posted by Picasa

really, who is more comfortable here? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

"Now tell me how much you missed me!" Posted by Picasa

Wouldn't be an official reception without a bride and groom. Posted by Picasa

mom and dad releived that they never have to do this ever again! Posted by Picasa

she still has a little tomboy in her Posted by Picasa

We promise pinatas, we did not promise pinatas that resembled us! Posted by Picasa

can you believe all of this is in the middle of nowhere? Posted by Picasa

Back to our normal lives

Well we are happy to report that our South Texas reception was quite a success and we look forward to finally have a couple of weekends to do nothing but relax and catch up on all of the everyday things we have been neglecting during the wedding planning months. That is of course after Kevin returns from Tampa, and then we find a place to live in Austin, and then we find someone to live in our place, and then actually move. Of course Noah's birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas fit somewhere in there too.
But of course the most important news of all is that Lilly is back! Laura's parents brought her with them when they traveled down for the reception. Although she did not attend the festivities and therefore spent most of Saturday at home alone, she was very excited to be home again. We don't know what they fed her up there but she has become quite vocal since her return. Maybe someday we will learn to put audio clips on here so she can talk to someone else other than us!